Friday, November 11, 2011

Types and Treatments of Asthma

!: Types and Treatments of Asthma

A chronic respiratory disorder, asthma is prevalent in almost every part of this planet. It is a serious disease which leaves an affected individual at a great handicap during an asthmatic attack and has a potential of proving fatal. Although there is no known medication or vaccine that can completely cure asthma, one can gather information about the disease to create self awareness. It is a disease which has evaded cure but treatments are nonetheless available that help in alleviation and prevention of asthma. A person suffering from asthma may feel completely well at times but the disease has all the possibility of flaring up any time. Managing asthma is the key one can adopt to come to terms with the disease. In broad terms, the two identifiable types of asthma are: Extrinsic asthma and Intrinsic asthma. Extrinsic asthma is caused due to allergy. The immune system's response to allergens such as dust particles, pollen, or animal dander causes Extrinsic asthma. Among both these types of asthma, Intrinsic asthma in not allergy related and the causes of lie in different factors. It can be caused by exercise, laughter, cold air, or other such myriad factors. The best approach to deal with both types of asthma is to work out an asthma management therapy or treatment plan by consulting a registered medical practitioner. Prevention of asthma is very important in its initial stage to avoid severity and complications from developing in future.

There are many factors that can cause asthma symptoms to worsen. These are known as triggers in medical parlance. By consulting a registered physician, one can get sufficient help in identifying triggers that cause asthma attacks. Some of the triggering factors are exercise, viral upper respiratory infections, irritants, certain medicines, allergens, and sulfites. Besides there are other factors that can worsen the effects of asthma which can at best be identified by consulting a registered physician only. Children facing a greater risk of asthma attacks are by far more helpless in dealing with the situation as they have a weaker immune system compared to adults. It is for this reason that they should be given constant attention and medical care.

Most doctors prescribe medications to their patients that work towards prevention of asthma. The two general types of medications for asthma often used by doctors in treating patients are anti-inflammatories and bronchodialators. Anti-inflammatories render protection to the bronchial tubes (airway passage tubes) from irritants present in the air and this helps in stopping an asthmatic attack from occurring. Bronchodialators on the other hand are used during an asthmatic attack and are often used by patients who are under constant threat of such attacks. Natural remedies for asthma are often sought after by a significant number of asthma patients as they carry minimal or no side effects. Besides such medications also help in giving a natural boost to the immune system and thus help in a better way to respond to any future asthmatic attacks. Medications for asthma can help to keep the disease under control, or alleviate the symptoms, or even prevent further damage to the respiratory tract. Avoiding known allergens and respiratory irritants can substantially reduce asthma symptoms. Prior information about the disease helps in creating awareness and taking appropriate steps for prevention of asthma. By taking regular medications for asthma one can manage the disease to a great extent and thus enjoy normal activities in day to day life, possibly devoid of asthmatic attacks.

Types and Treatments of Asthma

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Monday, October 17, 2011

Coconut Oil - Best Natural Acne Treatment

!: Coconut Oil - Best Natural Acne Treatment

Consider cheaper, alternative, natural, effective treatment methods to get the best care for and clear up your acne, zit, pimple or blackhead problem; and coconut oil is the best treatment I've found. Yes, you can do it -- look better, feel better, and raise your self-esteem by getting rid of your acne cheaply, naturally and for good. While most forms of acne are merely troublesome or embarrassing, there are some forms of acne that can lead to scarring and pitting of the skin.

People of all races and ages have acne. Acne is one of most common skin conditions in the world, affecting more than 40 million people. Nearly 80 percent of people from ages 11 to 30 years have acne, most often on the face, chest and back. For most people, acne goes away by age 30, but people in their forties and fifties still suffer from acne.

Experts just can't agree on what causes acne. Acne, zits, pimples, blackheads, whiteheads and many other skin disorders are usually, but not always, the result of a bad diet. I think the cause of acne is related to our acidic, inflammatory 'standard American diet' (SAD) and that would also influence all of our hormones including stress hormones.

Since the latest research indicates a connection between stress and acne, make an effort to cut down on stress any way you can. One treatment method some people have used is applying cornstarch, egg whites or milk of magnesia as a facial mask. When you wash your face use a soft touch, taking care not to rub or scrub your skin.

There are many natural acne home remedies; you may have to try several to find one that works best for your skin type. Shave carefully and try both electric and safety razors to see which works best for you. For the best acne treatment, which has worked for many, apply virgin coconut oil to the area daily; try it on a small test area for a day or two first.

It's always best to seek non-invasive and natural treatment for any skin condition. Treatment with raw apple cider vinegar will work better on your skin if it isn't already noticeably irritated from acne medicines, acne products or other failed treatment. No over-the-counter creams can help your acne from the inside out; they can only kill some of the bacteria on your face and help reduce the redness.

Besides acne, if you also have eczema or dry skin, coconut oil will treat those skin conditions too. Most commercial cleansers are harsh on the face and trying to find the right one for you could cost a fortune. You want to avoid squeezing, pinching, picking or popping your pimples because it can cause scars or leave dark spots on your skin.

Coconut oil is very inexpensive; it's a good, cheap, natural home remedy. Coconut oil is one of the best, if not the best, treatments I've found for acne. Apply it daily, throughout the day if possible and at bedtime. Get the unrefined, unbleached type found at health-oriented food stores like Whole Foods or Wild Oats or order it online.

In any case, no matter what skin or acne treatment you choose, whether it's chemical, drugs, alternative, or natural methods, changing your diet alone will be the best treatment you can do for your acne and you'll achieve overall good health in the process. Drink lots and lots of pure, filtered water every day. Besides external acne treatment it's even more important to work from the inside out too.

Some alternative doctors recommend eating a raw clove of garlic daily for acne; you can chop one up and add it to your daily salad! Whether you eat a natural diet of living fruits and vegetables or eat dead junk food, what you eat may have a direct or indirect affect on the male hormones which may or may not play some part in acne.

Eating fruits that are red or orange in color will help improve you skin health and help to prevent acne. Eat high-fiber snacks like raw nuts, raw seeds, fresh or dried fruit, such as dates, and figs. Use olive oil with a little very fresh flaxseed oil in your salads.

Drink plenty of pure, filtered water, a minimum of a quart a day. Eating foods with essential fatty acids are particularly important to people with dry skin or acne.

Now you don't have to be one of the unlucky ones left behind because of a lack of knowledge. And you should be able to get rid of your acne, zits and pimples and their symptoms so it doesn't reoccur. There are many acne products on the market today, some are good, some are cheap and some are not good or cheap; no one knows but you what will work for you.

Coconut Oil - Best Natural Acne Treatment

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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Why Homeopathic Treatment?

!: Why Homeopathic Treatment?

Why homeopathic treatment in Austin?

With so many choices available to you for bettering your health in Austin and central Texas, what makes homeopathy a viable solution?

The goal of this article is to describe four major benefits of homeopathic treatment for you in your life. This is to arm you with knowledge about this profound and effective healing modality as you consider various options for your health care needs.

First, homeopathy is safe, gentle, and a reliable method of healing. It was formally established as its own system of healing in 1796 by Samuel Hahnemann. Dr. Hahnemann was a German physician who had become very discouraged about the medical practices of his time, namely blood letting, and the heavy use of purgatives and emetics, just to name a few. He sought a much gentler and safer way to help his patients. Not only did he succeed in that goal, but he also found a form of true healing that provides lasting relief. Through homeopathic treatment, the end goal is the complete annihilation to that person's susceptibility for their current illness. In this way, Dr. Hahnemann formulated a true medical healing art.

Second, homeopathy is non-toxic, non-habit forming, and will not interfere with current medications you may be on. In fact, throughout homeopathic treatment, your constitution becomes stronger and your vitality increased; such that you are less and less dependent on the medications over time. After full homeopathic treatment, patients frequently find themselves having no co-pays for a medication they once thought they may have had to always take. There are no side effects to taking homeopathic remedies. Nor are there any invasive procedures or expensive exams during homeopathic treatment, which cuts way back on its cost. Even though it is a fee-for-service profession, it is a far more economical selection of healing than any other conventional treatment for health and wellness purposes.

Third, during homeopathic treatment, you will receive homeopathic remedies, which are made mostly from plants and simple minerals. Homeopathic remedies are FDA approved. They seek to initiate the inherent healing response your body naturally has. Take, for example, a cut on your finger. Over time, your body will naturally heal that cut without any intervention on your part. That same healing intelligence of the body (we call it the Vital Force) is what homeopathy works with - not against. In conventional treatments, your symptoms get suppressed in the name of offering you immediate relief. Yet, those very symptoms, even though they are uncomfortable, are not meant to be suppressed. They are your body's natural and intelligent response to let you know something is wrong. In homeopathy, the remedies work with your body's attempt to heal, and do so in safe, gentle, and reliable ways.

Fourth, the scope of homeopathy is profound - it is useful for most mental, emotional, and physical complaints, both acute and chronic (long-standing). This means homeopathy is useful for you if you have any commonly understood pain, illness, and/or condition. The real benefit in this is that it's individualized to your unique symptom picture: mentally, emotionally, and physically. In this way, homeopathy does not treat, prevent, or cure diseases, as conventionally understood. Rather, it works to restore balance and provide healing for YOU. There is not one homeopathic remedy to take for gout, or allergies, or depression, for example. Rather, there is a homeopathic remedy that is selected for YOU, as you are experiencing your unique symptoms related to the disease you have, as well as how it impacts you mentally and emotionally. Considering all of that, homeopathy is one of the most complete systems of healing available in the world today.

Because homeopathy is safe, works with your body's ability to heal itself, is economical, and comprehensive, it is a viable and useful modality for your healing needs. People commonly see a homeopath for the following: anxiety/depression, ADD/ADHD, PMS/menstrual irregularities, menopause, prostate health/ED, allergies/asthma, ear infections, coughs, the flu, headaches, joint pains/arthritis, fibromyalgia, constipation/diarrhea, bladder infections, plus much more.

In this article, I outlined four main benefits to undergoing homeopathic treatment. My intent is to provide information to you so you make educated choices regarding your natural health needs.

Why Homeopathic Treatment?

!: Dale Thomas Popcorn

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